Free Online Linguistics Databases


We have a recurring tag called Free Online Linguistics Databases where we recommend a database that is available for free online and provide a little background and some advice on how to use it. You do not need to be an academic to follow what's going on.

Linguistic typology (the field/method of systematic cross-linguistic comparison) is awesome, please come join us in exploring the diversity, disparity, complexity and history of the languages of the world.

This tag started when the blog was still only on tumblr, unfortunately this makes it a bit hard to follow. So we've gathered them all here. If you need help with linguistic terminology you should turn here. It used to be a Thursday thing, but has now become a more spontaneous thing. If you think there's something missing, tell us!

Here are the posts, and the plans for future ones:

            • Original website: Uralonet: Etymological dictionary of Uralic languages online
            • HWRG-post: TBA  

            Those are the ones we have been thinking about so far. Isn't it beautiful?
            Any more suggestions? Tell us!

            For the curious cat: there's some more listed at the Open Languages Archive Community (OLAC), the cross-Linguistic Linked Data-project and in this appendix by Ladd, Roberts and Dedieu, but we're not sure all are suited for this post series. We'd like to recommend fairly user-friendly ones that we think a not-too-experty-crowd will enjoy. Please tell us if there is anything we're missing.

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