Hopefully helpful for linguistics students and junior researchers
Hello everyone,
One of our aims here at this blog is to be of use for and spread information to the global community of linguistics students and junior/starting out researchers. To that end, I'd like to highlight some resources and posts from this blog relating to that, hope you enjoy it!
Guide to linguistic terminology and reflections on typoloy and framework-neutrality
This is a text with helpful tips and advice on where to turn and what to think about when trying to navigate the rather jungle-like field that is linguistic terminology
List of Open Access publishing venues in linguistics
This is a list for finding research, and also venues for publishing your own research Open Access.
Free online tutorials and manuals for tools for linguists
This is a great list of tools and tutorials and manuals for said tools that can truly revolutionise your work.
Free Online Linguistic Databases
A list of posts we've made introducing different cool online free databases of languages to our readers. A more comprehensive list of all databases can be found at Bodo Winters site. We mainly update our list for new posts.
The tag "Hopefully Helpful for Linguistics Students"
This is a tag for posts that we believe are useful for linguistics students, or junior/starting out researchers in linguistics. Some of the posts it covers are:
The tags "free PDF" and "currentlinguisticsresearch"One of our aims here at this blog is to be of use for and spread information to the global community of linguistics students and junior/starting out researchers. To that end, I'd like to highlight some resources and posts from this blog relating to that, hope you enjoy it!
Guide to linguistic terminology and reflections on typoloy and framework-neutrality
This is a text with helpful tips and advice on where to turn and what to think about when trying to navigate the rather jungle-like field that is linguistic terminology
List of Open Access publishing venues in linguistics
This is a list for finding research, and also venues for publishing your own research Open Access.
Free online tutorials and manuals for tools for linguists
This is a great list of tools and tutorials and manuals for said tools that can truly revolutionise your work.
Free Online Linguistic Databases
A list of posts we've made introducing different cool online free databases of languages to our readers. A more comprehensive list of all databases can be found at Bodo Winters site. We mainly update our list for new posts.
The tag "Hopefully Helpful for Linguistics Students"
This is a tag for posts that we believe are useful for linguistics students, or junior/starting out researchers in linguistics. Some of the posts it covers are:
- The "Other" languages of Ethnologue and Glottolog - definitions and counts of contact languages, sign languages, isolates, language families, constructed/artificial languages
- Food for thought: "a language is a dialect with a missionary and a dictionary" - definitions and reflections on how to define what is a language and what is a dialect
- Clarifying points on Ethnologue pay-wall and language codes - an informative post about the nature of Ethnologue, SIL and other codes and what has changed recently (2016)
- Tips when looking for PhD positions or other jobs in linguistics - some hopefully helpful tips
- A post about the generativists vs functionalists "war" - nuff said
These are tags for concrete examples of research, for example:
- WEIRD and LOL-languages - definitions of these important concepts and also direct links to publications dealing more in depth with these issues
- What does a linguist do...? re: Annemarie - Annemarie gives us a glimpse into the everyday of a linguist
- The Closing Conference of the MPI-EVA Linguistics Department - Diversity Linguistics: Retrospects and Prospects - report from Jeremy on the last conference of this very influential department
- Soon-to-come research in linguistics - a post about some currently ongoing research projects in linguistics
Some other interesting tags
- There's also a few posts tagged "challenges", which are about questions and challenges that different prominent researchers, and also just I, have put forward as particularly crucial to the field right now.
- Another set of posts are about infographics that are popular on the internet and explanations to them.
- There are also posts where you can listen to small audio clips from lots of different languages.
We hope this might be useful to you as linguistics students or junior/starting out linguists. If it is, or if you want to contact us about anything - don't hesitate.
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