
Showing posts from March, 2025

Indigenous voices on research methodology

Reading/listening suggestions for people doing language documentation and description in communities that are they are not a member of: "Something's gotta change" by Lesley Woods (2023):    also Gaby, A., & Woods, L. (2020). Toward linguistic justice for Indigenous people: A response to Charity Hudley, Mallinson, and Bucholtz.  Language ,  96 (4), e268-e280   also podcast Because Language episode 35 with Woods & Gaby "Decolonizing Methodologies" by Linda Tuhiwai Smith (1999): (Māori, New Zealand) "Studying the vernacular in the vernacular – Luqa literacy in the Solomon Islands" by Dr Alpheaus Graham Zobule. Talk at the Australian Research Council's Centre of Excel...